IAGI Board of Directors 2023 - 2024
Todd Harman, Hallaton, Inc.
Phone: +1 (410) 583-7700 | Send Email
Todd Harman is the President and founder of Hallaton Environmental Linings, a geosynthetics installation company headquartered in Maryland. After earning his Bachelor’s Degree from Washington College in 1984, Todd began his career in geosynthetics working with a Mirafi representative in Baltimore selling products to engineers and architects, in addition to writing material specifications and handling distributors. In 1986, he became a partner in Hallaton Pty., Ltd., Australia marketing erosion and geosynthetic materials internationally. Todd founded Hallaton, Inc. in 1993, which is now in its 29th year of business. Todd previously served as two-time President of IAGI (International Association of Geosynthetic Installers).
1st Vice President

Nicky Araujo, Servicios de Ingenieria Geosintetica, SA
Phone: +1 (506) 231-4238 | Send Email
Nicky Araujo started his involvement with geosynthetics in 1985, working initially as a Field Supervisor for Field Lining Services in Phoenix, Arizona. In 1989, he decided to move back to Latin America and started Field Lining Services of Latin America, Inc. In 1993 a branch office called Servicios de Ingeniería Geosintetica, S.A. was opened in Costa Rica. Under his management, the group of companies has extended and now includes 4 offices in Central and South America. The companies provide engineering design services that incorporate geosynthetics, supply materials, and do the installation and CQC that the customers may require. The primary concern of the companies led by Nicky Araujo has always been to provide the customers with the very best geosynthetics and the best installation that the project and the customer may require, which has resulted in these companies becoming a leader in the Latin American region. Constant training of the personnel has also been a key element that allowed Nicky to count on a team of professionals of exceptional qualities.
2nd Vice President
Phil Rock Denis, FC Geosynthetiques
+1 (780) 224-1924 | Send email
Phil was conceived, born and raised in geosynthetics. He could spell it at three years old. From humble beginnings at fourteen as a summer student at Solmax, to Sales Manager out of Malaysia, Phil never looked back to second guess his career path. It’s literally in his blood. Phil holds a bachelor’s degree in International Commerce from UQAM/Paris XIII, a College Diploma in Applied Sciences, and is currently Project Manager at FC Liners. Phil enjoys life on the job site, hovering between North and South America, he has personally acquired and supervised projects totaling well over 10 million square meters of geomembrane liner. He revels in daily construction challenges, associated responsibilities, and interfacing with all managing levels. He is trilingual, counting English, French and “job site Spanish.” Phil is also one of the founding members and MC of the GeoGames. Phil is an unconditional advocate of Quality Control because, as he always says; “I like to sleep at night.” He strongly believes that geosynthetics will only work as intended with proper installation methods and care. Phil is a doer, and his passion for geosynthetics is contagious. He truly represents the younger generation of geosynthetics devotees.
Eric Lamontagne, P.Eng. G.E. Environmental Solutions, Inc.
Phone: +1 (306) 931-8014 | Send Email
Eric Lamontagne is a Professional Engineer in Canada. He was introduced to Geosynthetics in 2001 where he started installing geomembranes. During his time attending university, his summers were spent installing Geosynthetics, where he became IAGI certified. After graduating from university, Lamontagne was hired as a Mine Engineer for Canada’s largest energy company in Fort McMurray Alberta. During his tenure as a Mine Engineer, he worked in various roles, including reclamation and mine design. In 2014, Lamontagne and his family returned to Saskatchewan where he took the role of Operations Manager with GE Environmental Solutions Inc. Lamontagne’s focus was to grow the company in a sustainable manner, while providing insight from a mining and engineering perspective. Geosynthetics have been a part of Lamontagne’s life for just under 20 years, where he still frequents project sites and continues to lend his expertise to design engineers, project owners, and earthwork contractors. In 2017 Eric provided great insight to the engineer and general contractor and was an IAGI award-winning geosynthetic project in northern Alberta. Lamontagne’s passion is to apply the new advancements in technology and research into the installation of geosynthetics. Lamontagne sits on the board of directors of a mining association in Saskatchewan and is a volunteer with the local engineering association. Lamontagne envisions the IAGI organization continuing to grow the Geosynthetic installation industry to advance the quality of our ever-changing infrastructure. Eric Lamontagne resides in Canada with his wife and three children.

Evan Bao, Comanco
Phone: +1 (813) 988-8829 | Send Email
Evan Bao graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering. He started his career as a Field Engineer and has since then dedicated himself to ensuring quality and excellence in his work. Evan has been a QAQC Engineer for the past six years and is currently the QAQC Manager at COMANCO., where he works on the GeoCAAB software. He possesses expertise and training in project safety compliance, review of project QA/QC specifications, and site-specific QA/QC testing and documentation performance.

Patrick Elliott, Colorado Lining International
Phone: +1 (303) 951-5913 | Send Email
Pat Elliott is the Director of Installation Services for Viaflex through their subsidiary Colorado Lining International. Viaflex is a leading manufacturer of high-performance geomembranes providing full-scale conversion, custom fabrication, design-build solutions, and certified installation of geosynthetics. Pat oversees and directs the installation operations for Colorado Lining International. Pat and his team are committed to service excellence through certified training, consistent processes, and solid leadership within the geosynthetic community, and are active members of the International Association of Geosynthetic Installers (IAGI). Colorado Lining International is an IAGI Approved Installation Contractor (AIC), and they strive to employ experienced certified welding technicians (CWT) to promote the highest level of service. Pat understands the critical aspects of product performance and the importance of accurate installation practices, comprehensive inspections, and closure techniques to obtain optimal results. Pat has a multitude of industry experience and understands the liner business from the ground up with over 28 years in geosynthetics installation. Pat has since, advanced his expertise in geosynthetics through Viaflex to increase competencies in polymer design and manufacturing operations. Additionally, Pat is the current President of the Fabricated Geomembrane Institute (FGI), a non-profit organization; and is serving his third two-year term in this position. The goal of the FGI is to unite manufacturers, fabricators, engineers and installers in an effort to promote, grow and effectively advance the FGI mission of research, education and technology transfer. Pat’s goal as FGI President throughout his tenure is to bring new energy to the group, while continuously adding value to their membership and the fabricated geomembrane industry.
Wayne Farrow, Jr. Atlantic Lining Company
+1 (609) 723-2400 | Send email
Wayne Farrow is in the midst of his 29th year with Atlantic Lining Co., Inc. (ALCO) Wayne is a 1995 graduate of Pennsylvania State University with a BS degree in Agricultural Engineering. He is Vice President of ALCO and oversees all construction operations.
ALCO is a U.S. market leader in providing geosynthetic material sales and installation services, performed to today’s rigorous industry standards, at competitive prices. ALCO is fully insured and bondable. ALCO works on a wide range of projects from landfill cell and cap construction to methane barriers beneath warehouses, retail buildings and hotels to wastewater-lined lagoons to commercial-lined ponds. ALCO has been involved with IAGI since its inception when Frank Taylor served as its first President. Wayne served as Treasurer for the past 4 years in IAGI. ALCO is an IAGI Approved Installation Contractor (AIC) and has certified welding technicians (CWT) to help maintain the quality needed to be successful in this industry.
ALCO is committed to worker safety! Clients like Exxon Mobil, Phillips 66, First Energy, Pfizer, US Department of Energy, and DuPont that share this same commitment have worked with ALCO on many projects. ALCO strives to have repeat business with all of its clients in the private and public sectors. Wayne looks forward to the continued advancement of our industry.
Andre van Staden, WBHO Construction Pty. Ltd.
+27 011 265-4000 | Send email
The Production Manager portfolio in the WBHO structure requires an individual with extensive experience in relevant construction activities. These individuals must display strong leadership qualities and a natural talent for finding innovative methods to maximize productivity. They are usually senior managers focused on instilling and maintaining basic construction principles. In addition to mentoring artisans and young engineers and ensuring safe working conditions at required quality standards, they make vital contributions to ensure projects are completed timeously and within budget. These managers are also committed to numerous projects simultaneously.
During the past two years, our nominee has been Production Manager on four concurrent contracts across South Africa, amounting to a combined value of approximately R 3 billion ($165 Million). In addition to his responsibilities as a Production Manager, he also heads the WBHO HDPE Lining division. He established this division in 2014, currently holding forty qualified HDPE Technicians installing HDPE Liner on contracts in various Sub-Saharan African countries. He recently arranged to have twenty liner technicians evaluated by the International Association of Geosynthetic Installers (IAGI), subsequently certifying these individuals as accredited IAGI Certified Weld Technicians (CWT’s). He went on to successfully submit an application to IAGI to register WBHO as an internationally accredited liner installation company. This made WBHO only the second company in South Africa to achieve Approved Installation Contractor (AIC) status with IAGI. This firmly entrenches WBHO as one of the largest liner installers in SA and a market leader.
Andre van Staden has continued his active engagement in the HDPE Geomembrane discipline through WBHO Construction for 15 years with a contribution to the deployment of 16 017 000 m2 of HDPE Geomembrane. Andre has further been a member of Geosynthetics Interest Group of South Africa (GIGSA) since 2014 and registered with IAGI as a Proctor in 2019.
Immediate Past-President

Andrew Sanderson, Western Tank & Lining
+1 (604) 999-4194 | Send Email
Andrew has over 15 years of experience at Western Tank & Lining with geosynthetics both installation and project management. He has successfully managed hundreds of projects including over 10 million square meters of HDPE / LLDPE liner installation. Andrew has a distinct reputation with owners and engineers for completing complex projects on schedule without sacrificing spec or quality. Andrew has been involved and supporting IAGI since 2007. In his spare time, Andrew enjoys spending time with his family, golfing, skiing and fishing.
Managing Director

Laurie L. Honnigford
Managing Director
Phone: +1 (720) 353-4977 | Send Email